Move On
Here’s the thing… I know I should be grateful. I’m alive. I say that to myself, 90% of the time. I am grateful. I’m alive. The other 10% of the time, I am mad as hell. This is my second time around. So, yeah, I am bitter. Here’s why... Cancer - I gave you everything the first time. I shaved my head like a boss. I endured dose-dense chemo. I worked a full-time job throughout treatment. I sucked up a double mastectomy. And then another surgery to remove all the lymph nodes on my left side. Did I mention the five weeks of radiation? Or the loss of my first reconstructive breasts, t hen prosthetics and then reconstruction AGAIN. CANCER, I gave you everything the FIRST time. Screw you, cancer, for thinking you can come back and take any of it again. And yet you try. You try to take my bones and my liver. And everyday you steal my hair. And I cry in the shower as my hair washes away and I am left with maybe 25